DIMAPUR — The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (WC-NNPG) has accused the government of Nagaland of deliberately delaying the implementation of the Indo-Naga peace agreement. In a statement issued on Tuesday, the WC-NNPG claimed that during the September 12 consultative meeting convened by the state government, open discussions were held with “almost every participants emphasising on the urgency of early solution.” However, a “contradictory” resolution was adopted, “purely malafide in all its intent and purpose and only to promote anti-solution narrative.” The WC-NNPG emphasised that the Indo-Naga political dialogue officially concluded on Oct. 31, 2019. Even before this conclusion, on July 19, 2018, then-Interlocutor RN Ravi briefed the Parliamentary Standing Committee (Rajya Sabha), during which he reportedly stated that, “In 2015, the government reached an understanding with the NSCN (IM), which agreed [to] a settlement within [the] Indian federation, with a special status.” According to the WC-NNPG, Ravi informed the committee that this agreement marked a departure from the NSCN (IM)’s earlier position of ‘with India, not within’ and the government termed this agreement the ‘Framework Agreement’ and officially signed it. Therefore, “there is no ambiguity and the official document agreed by both the parties in itself,...