DIMAPUR — A one-day awareness and demonstration programme on Nutri Sensitive Agriculture Research and Innovation (NARI) was conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Peren on Saturday at Samziuram village, Peren district, in the central farm of combined self-help group members. Speaking at the event, Dr. LK Meena, principal scientist and head of KVK Peren, urged the farmers to work diligently and not leave their fields idle. He advised them to maximise the benefits by cultivating rabi crops and vegetables. Dr. Patu K Zeliang, subject matter specialist (SMS) in Plant Breeding and Genetics and coordinator of the programme, spoke on the theme of the NARI project. He discussed how farmers can collaborate with the KVK for timely technical assistance and support, as well as the cultivation practices for key rabi crops. Also read: JAAs and AAs trained in Dimapur Dr. Prashant Kala, SMS in Horticulture, provided a practical demonstration on nursery raising of cabbage and cauliflower seedlings and seed treatment. Twenty-two farmers attended the programme, where vegetable seeds, tools, cocopeat, and organic plant protection chemicals were distributed to various SHG members.