DIMAPUR — The deputy commissioner of Mon, Ajit Kumar Verma, on Saturday inaugurated the long-awaited blood storage centre at District Hospital in Mon town. Speaking at the inaugural programme, Verma has explained the process required to establish a blood storage centre in the district. Verma, who is also the chairman of the hospital management committee, expressed his helplessness as patients in Mon had to rush to Dimapur or Dibrugarh for blood emergencies in the past. He congratulated the department of Health and Family Welfare, health minister, P Paiwang Konyak, and medical superintendent, Dr. Temsu, for taking the initiative to set the blood storage centre. An update from the Health department stated that lack of blood storage/ transfusion facility in Mon was a major barrier in providing emergency care to the people of Mon, which was recently experienced during last year’s dengue outbreak. Also speaking on the occasion, the medical superintendent of DH Mon, Dr. T Temsu Ao, has termed the occasion ‘historic’ and attributed the success to collective efforts of the public. He also disclosed some corrections/ changes that the hospital management committee (HMC) made to the allotted building in accordance with the standards for establishing a blood storage facility....