DIMAPUR — The All Nagaland Private Schools’ Association (ANPSA) Dimapur unit, in collaboration with Burlington English, organised an educational seminar at Hotel Saramati on Saturday, with Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur, Tinojongshi Chang as the special guest. The seminar, attended by representatives from over 30 schools, focused on traditional educational practices and the new world of AI and ChatGPT, an update stated. In his address, the deputy commissioner lauded the private schools for their dedication to inclusivity and quality education. He also thanked private institutions for their role in upholding educational standards and encouraged all schools to continue focusing on these essential topics, while maintaining their commitment to excellence. “This seminar provided a valuable platform for educators and administrators to discuss and exchange ideas, contributing to the ongoing improvement of the educational landscape in Dimapur,” it stated. Earlier, president of ANPSA Dimapur, Bithungo Kikon delivered the opening remarks and Fr. Philip Yanthan led the opening prayer. Also read: Less takers for entrepreneurship, more for government jobs in Nagaland, says Khamo