CHENNAI — BJP spokesman, ANS Prasad said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘One Nation, One Election’ initiative is a crucial step towards fulfilling India’s vision for 2047 as a global superpower. In a statement on Thursday the Tamil Nadu BJP leader said that this ambitious plan aims to synchronise India’s electoral cycles, promote unified governance, development, and democracy. He said, “By streamlining the election process, reducing election fatigue, and conserving resources, India can ensure policy stability and effective governance, essential for achieving its 2047 goals.” ANS Prasad said that this visionary initiative was poised to transform India’s democratic landscape and propel the country towards unprecedented growth and prosperity. He said that India’s vision for 2047 encompasses multiple key aspects and added that the country aims to become the world’s third-largest economy, driven by innovation, entrepreneurship, and sustainable development. The Tamil Nadu BJP spokesman said, “Energy independence is another vital goal, with a focus on renewable energy sources, such as rooftop solar panels, and promoting electric mobility.” He added that good governance was also a critical component, with citizen-centric, data-driven, and technology-enabled governance systems designed to foster excellence, innovation, and integrity. Prasad in the statement further said that social development was...