Port Blair, Aug 30: Swift action by the Coast Guard component of the Andaman & Nicobar Command (ANC) averted a potential maritime disaster and ensured the safety of MV EFES and its 11 crew members.

On 19 Aug 24, the Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC), Port Blair, received a relayed distress call from MV Anael, reporting a fire in the machinery compartment of MV EFES. As the vessel was 500 km from land, MRCC immediately diverted the nearest vessel, MV Jag Rani, to provide assistance until ICG units reached the scene. A Coast Guard Dornier aircraft was also launched from Port Blair to monitor the situation and assess the extent of the damage. The aircraft confirmed the distressed vessel’s position and provided vital information to the ICG. The fire was completely extinguished on the evening of 19 Aug 24, however, MV EFES suffered a loss of propulsion and electric power, as the machinery compartment was totally damaged in the fire, causing the vessel to drift.