Indian badminton duo Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty showcased resilience and determination as they secured a hard-fought victory in the men's doubles pre-quarterfinals at the India Open Super 750 tournament. The pair defeated Japan's Hiroki Okamura and Kenya Mitsuhashi 20-22, 21-14, 21-16 to advance to the next round.

The match began with a setback for the Indian pair as they dropped the first game despite their efforts.

Reflecting on the opening set, while talking to the reporters, Chirag said, "...A few errors cost us the first game. The last time when we played them (Japanese badminton players Hiroki Okamura and Kenya Mitsuhashi), we managed to beat them in two straight sets...But we made a comeback and didn't give them a chance in the 2nd and 3rd games..."