Amajor part of the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is currently closed for maintenance work. However, many visitors, mostly tourists, are unaware of this; buying the full ticket to visit the IIAS premises, they are able to visit only a small garden on the premises. This belies their expectations and leaves them feeling cheated. Nalin Sharma, Shimla

Littering in open areas

HEAPS of garbage lying at the Jeori market have become a major concern in the town. This is not only making the market look ugly but also polluting the environment. Another worry is that the garbage could cause a spread of diseases. The authorities concerned should remove the garbage and impose fines on those who litter public places. Dinesh, Rampur

Not enough bus services

THERE are not enough bus services to the Atal Institute of Medical Super Specialties at Chamiyana from the Indira Gandhi Medical College, due to which patients are facing a lot of inconvenience. The patients and attendants are forced to use private taxis, which is putting additional financial burden on them. The government should ply bus services on this route for the convenience of the people. Nitish, Shimla

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