Myntra’s Big Fashion Festival kicked off with significant traction, drawing in 120 million visitors during Early Access and Day 1, the m-commerce platform said in a press release on Sunday. The platform saw a 15X increase in new users compared to business-as-usual (BAU) activity, alongside a 2X spike in orders per minute (OPM) over last year during peak hours. The event, which started on September 25, registered high volumes of purchases, with 700 T-shirts, 420 jeans, 330 pairs of shoes, and 100 lipsticks sold every minute within the first hour, Myntra said.Core fashion categories continued to dominate demand, while emerging segments such as Beauty & Personal Care and Sports Footwear saw a rise of over 50 per cent in purchases. Meanwhile, Home and Wearables categories recorded a 100 per cent increase in demand compared to the same period last year, the Flipkart Group company said. The sale, as per Myntra, has also witnessed heightened activity on its Gen-Z platform, FWD, with demand increasing by 2.6X over regular usage.Myntra’s reach extended beyond metro cities, with approximately 45 per cent of orders coming from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Neha Wali, Head of Revenue at Myntra, noted that the platform saw a 4X increase in orders compared to BAU on the first day of the event.Additionally, Myntra’s partnership with Kotak Bank through a co-branded card led to an 8X growth in transactions on Day 1.