A fire at a Tata Electronics plant making Apple iPhones in Hosur, Tamil Nadu disrupted its operations on Saturday, as fire-fighting authorities tried to control the situation, three people with knowledge of the situation told Reuters.However, there were no casualties nor anyone injured due to the incident, police said."The incident occurred at a chemical godown located on the campus at about 6 am. Seven fire tenders were pressed into service. There has been no casualty nor injury to anyone," a senior fire and rescue service official at the Hosur Fire Station told PTI.Tata Electronics said in a statement it was investigating the cause of the fire and would take necessary steps to safeguard the interests of its employees and other stakeholders."There has been an unfortunate incident of fire at our plant in Hosur, Tamil Nadu. Our emergency protocols at the plant ensured that all our employees are safe. The cause of the fire is under investigation and we will take necessary actions to safeguard the interest of our employees and other stakeholders," the company said in a statement.According to the company website, Tata Electronics Pvt Ltd is a greenfield venture of the diversified conglomerate Tata Group with expertise in manufacturing precision components.(With agency inputs)