Kolkata: Jana Small Finance Bank has decided to offer a flat 6.75% rate for short term deposits over Rs 10 lakh and removed penalties for early withdrawal to attract deposits at the short-end of its liability profile.The offer came into effect from September 19 for deposits with maturity ranging from seven days to 180 days.For small savers, deposit rates for seven days to 180 days will remain between 3.5% and 6.5% while seniors will get 50 basis points higher over the card rates."The new product is exactly like a liquid fund but with the same day redemption facility. We were not getting short term funds. We hope this product will bridge this gap," Jana managing director Ajay Kanwal told ET.Out of the bulk deposits, 90.7% were for one year and above while about 98% of the retail deposits were more than one year."Our aim is to serve a new segment of customers who will look at short term bank deposits for managing surplus money,” Kanwal said.