Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav is leading a high-level delegation to Japan and will be visiting Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe between January 28 and 31, 2025, as he looks to showcase the state's potential to investors, and hardsell it as an attractive investment destination to leading Japanese companies.
Taking to X (formerly Twitter) about his upcoming visit, Yadav said that he will be engaging in one-to-one discussions with prominent industrialists.
"From 28th to 31st January 2025, I will be visiting Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe in Japan to engage in one-to-one discussions with prominent industrialists. My mission is to showcase the abundant opportunities in Madhya Pradesh and to extend a heartfelt invitation to these leaders to attend GIS-2025 (Global Investors Summit)," Yadav said in the X post.
The visit is expected to strengthen economic, cultural, and strategic partnership between India and Japan while attracting investments to Madhya Pradesh.
Under Yadav's leadership, Madhya