Union Minister Jitendra Singh on Friday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi is atoning for the sins committed by the Congress government and the triple talaq amendment is an example. The prime minister has atoned for the Congress' sins by bringing triple talaq amendment to give justice to sisters of a particular society and uplifting the poor, he said addressing the media here. Singh, who was here to take part in the state-level 'Samvidhaan Gaurav Abhiyan' programme, said it was the Congress, which always insulted BR Ambedkar and tried to defeat him in the elections. The Congress leaders, who always ignored Baba Saheb socially and politically, are today pretending to be his own for the sake of vote bank and spreading lies by distorting the statement of the BJP leaders, but people know that the party made 88 amendments in the Constitution by using or misusing Article 356 to serve its interests, he added. The minister said that Baba Saheb had made a huge contribution in making the ...