The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has lodged a complaint with the Election Commission of India against the BJP, accusing it of spreading misinformation and violating the Model Code of Conduct. The complaint alleges that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) shared a false video on social media, depicting pothole-ridden roads as being located in Delhi when they were actually from Faridabad, Haryana. "The party (BJP) has been spreading misinformation through a false video on their social media channels, showcasing roads in Delhi in a deplorable condition. However, it has been exposed that the road featured in the video is actually located in Faridabad, Haryana," said the AAP's complaint letter. The letter attaches screenshots of tweets posted from the BJP's Delhi handle, where the purported videos were shared. It also includes links to videos debunking the claim, showing the actual location of the road. The AAP contended that such acts amount to a "blatant violation" of the Model Code of Conduct