AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday claimed that the BJP will demolish all slums in Delhi if it is voted to power in the upcoming assembly elections. Addressing a press conference in the Shakur Basti area here, the former chief minister accused the BJP of prioritising land acquisition over the welfare of slum dwellers. "They want your votes first and your land after the elections," Kejriwal said, referring to the BJP. He also criticised the BJP's 'Jahan Jhuggi Wahan Makaan' scheme, terming it an eyewash. "In the past five years, they have constructed only 4,700 flats for slum dwellers," he added. Kejriwal also alleged that the BJP has plans to take over the land currently occupied by slum dwellers without addressing their housing needs. "They will demolish all the slums and acquire the land without any concern for the people living there," he said. Kejriwal was accompanied by senior AAP leader Satyendar Jain, the party's candidate from Shakur Basti constituency. Jain