Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Wednesday said that the influx from Bangladesh into the state in recent months is mostly by the "majority community" of the neighbouring country and not by the minority Hindus there. Those who are entering India illegally are workers of the textile industry in Muslim-majority Bangladesh, which are in bad shape following the crisis there, and they want to go to Tamil Nadu to join the same sector, he claimed. The southern state is ruled by the DMK, a constituent of the INDIA bloc. "The situation in Bangladesh has led to the collapse of the textile industry in that country. The workers, who are majority there but a minority in our country, are trying to cross the border," the chief minister said during an interaction with journalists here. They are trying to enter the country to go to the textile industries in Tamil Nadu, and "owners of these industries are incentivising them to come to get cheap labour," he said. The Hindu minorities in th