The Congress' Uttar Pradesh president Ajay Rai wrote to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday, drawing his attention to the "open sale of intoxicants" and demanding strict action so that future generations can be saved from addiction.
Rai said incidents of open sale and use of drugs and other intoxicants had been seen in the state's urban and remote rural areas in the past few years.
Calling it "very shameful for any civilised society", he said such incidents pointed towards an administrative failure. "The youth and poor section of the state are becoming its biggest victims."
The youth, who have to be part of the state's development, are ruining their and the state's future by falling into the grip of drugs, Rai said in the letter.
"The poor section, which is somehow feeding their family in this period of inflation by working as labourers and toiling all day, is also ruining their family by falling into the grip of drug abuse," he added.
The situation is such that the common pe