Public Accounts Committee member and BJP MP Nishikant Dubey has accused the panel's chairman and Congress member K C Venugopal of raking up non-extent issues to defame the central government and destabilise the country's financial structure and economy. Dubey wrote to Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla against Venugopal for allegedly misusing his position, bypassing the PAC's remit and working as part of a "tool kit" to damage the economy after reports emerged that the committee may summon SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, who has faced allegations of professional impropriety from US-based firm Hindenburg Research. He had written to Birla against Venugopal's "unconstitutional and disdainful" conduct on September 9. Incidentally, the PAC decided on October 4 to call Buch for deposition on October 24. His strongly worded communication is a clear indication that the ruling BJP-led National Democratic Alliance, who are in a majority in the committee, are likely to resist any further move by .