Former Delhi BJP chief Vijay Goel, along with party workers, on Friday staged a protest against AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of unauthorised occupation of a government bungalow allotted to his party MP. Goel said he would lodge a complaint with the the Rajya Sabha chairman in the matter. During the protest, held at 5 Ferozeshah Road outside the MP's bungalow, the BJP leader criticised Kejriwal for betraying his earlier promises of not using government luxuries. "This is the same Arvind Kejriwal who had given an affidavit saying he wouldn't use a government bungalow, car, or security upon becoming chief minister, yet he occupied a mansion worth crores like Sheesh Mahal," the former Union minister added. He said the purpose of the protest was to expose Kejriwal's double standards to the people of Delhi. Former Delhi chief minister Kejriwal on Friday vacated the 6, Flagstaff Road address his home for nine years and moved to a bungalow in the Lutyens' zone. The Aam Aad