Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said Haryana has decided that the BJP will score a hat-trick by winning the October 5 assembly polls in the state. Addressing his first rally in the state in run up to the polls, Modi attacked the Congress on various issues, while praised his government's work in its new term. He said the new NDA government at the centre is yet to complete 100 days but it has already started work worth nearly Rs 15 lakh-crore. Attacking previous Congress governments in Haryana, Modi said, "We have seen that period of the Congress government when money for development used to be limited to one district only." The BJP undertook development work in an equitable manner, Modi said. He said the Congress' politics has reduced to spreading falsehood and anarchy in country. Today's Congress has become a new form of urban Naxal and they do not feel any shame in speaking lies, he said. The prime minister attacked the Congress over farmers' issues as well, saying the