BJP leader and former Union minister Narayan Rane on Monday accused the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi of creating a wedge in Maharashtra over the collapse of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's statue ahead of the state assembly polls. The statue of the 17th century Maratha warrior king at Rajkot fort in Malvan tehsil fell on August 26, over eight months after it was unveiled by PM Modi on the occasion of Navy Day. Rane, a former chief minister, also accused Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut of inciting tensions over the issue. Dubbing the incident as unfortunate, Rane said, "The three parties (Shiv Sena (UBT), Congress and NCP (SP)) are working to create a wedge in the state over the collapse of the statue ahead of the state polls." The MVA had held a protest march from Hutatma Chowk to Gateway of India on Sunday to protest the episode. Opposition leaders who took part in the march slammed the Union and state governments over the statue crash, with Thackeray dismissing Modi's apology .