Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday underscored the need for constructive debate and dialogue in Parliament, saying the era of disruption should end and make way for meaningful discussions.
His remarks came ahead of the Budget session of Parliament.
While addressing the 33rd Foundation Day of the National Commission for Women (NCW), he said what the country truly needs is an opposition that is both constructive and cooperative.
"There will now be more debate, dialogue, discussion, deliberation, and not disturbance or disruption in this Parliament," the Rajya Sabha chairman said, highlighting the importance of a cooperative opposition.
Reflecting on women's empowerment, he lauded the recent reservation for women in legislatures, calling it a landmark achievement.
"Now we have reservation for women to the extent of one-third," he said, adding the country is witnessing an affirmative ecosystem that supports women's aspirations.
However, he cautioned that with increased aspirat