Amid protests by BRS corporators, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) on Thursday approved an annual budget of Rs 8,440 crore for 2025-26. The budget was approved during the GHMC council meeting, presided over by Mayor Vijaya Lakshmi R Gadwal. The BRS corporators, who held placards, sought debate on issues raised by them, also alleging negligence of city's development by the ruling government, which was countered by the Congress members. As attempts to make the BRS corporators resume their seats failed, the Mayor directed marshals to escort the former out. The BRS members, who were raising slogans, were taken to different police stations. In a post on social media platform 'X', BRS Working President K T Rama Rao condemned the party corporators being taken away by police "for questioning the Congress government's negligence of Hyderabad". BJP Lok Sabha member Eatala Rajender, who attended the meeting as an ex-officio member, alleged that contractors are not coming .