The National Stock Exchange of India Ltd (NSE) on Thursday issued a public warning about an individual named "Anaisha Patil" who is fraudulently claiming to be the general manager of the NSE. The person has been using the email ID "" to deceive the public by falsely associating themselves with the NSE's "National Financial Awareness Academy." The impersonator was attempting to conduct an investor awareness programme, in collaboration with the Government ITI, Dhoraji, District Rajkot, under the guise of being an official NSE event. The session was scheduled to take place on January 30 from 11 am to 12 pm. However, the NSE has clarified that it is in no way associated with this event, nor has it promoted or endorsed it. In a statement, NSE has cautioned the public to stay away from such fraudulent sessions, emphasising that participation in these events will be entirely at the individual's own risk. The exchange also clarified that it would not