BJP chief J P Nadda on Thursday said the AAP's blame game on Yamuna pollution has exposed its government's inefficiency and asked its supremo Arvind Kejriwal to apologise to the people of Haryana and Delhi for his "poison mixed in Yamuna" remarks. He also tagged in his X post an infographic from @infoindata that said pollution spikes as soon as the Yamuna enters Delhi "AAP-Da's blame game on Yamuna pollution exposes its inefficiency and failed governance," Nadda said in his post. "Instead of taking responsibility, AAP-Da government has started spreading fear among people for political gains. Arvind Kejriwal should apologize to the people of Haryana and Delhi for his statement," he added. Nadda alleged that the Kejriwal government has delivered nothing but corruption, lies, and hollow promises for over 10 years. "Despite receiving Rs 8,500 crores from the central government, no meaningful work has been done to clean the river," he said. According to details on the 'infoindata' hand