Amid an escalating row over AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal's claim of Haryana poisoning the Yamuna water, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday lashed out at former Delhi chief minister, alleging that he has failed to fulfil his promise to clean the river in the last 10 years. Later in the day, Kejriwal responded to the Election Commission (EC) notice over his claim that the Haryana government was "mixing poison" in Yamuna and said raw water received from the state recently has been "highly contaminated and extremely poisonous" for human health. In a related development, a court in Haryana's Sonipat on Wednesday summoned Kejriwal on February 17 on a complaint over his claim that the BJP-ruled state was mixing "poison in the Yamuna" river. The court of Sonipat Chief Judicial Magistrate Neha Goyal issued a notice to Kejriwal in the matter. Polling for the 70-member Delhi Assembly will take place on February 5 and counting of votes will be undertaken on