Amazon Web Services (AWS) will invest Rs 60,000 crore to expand its data centre infrastructure in Telangana, state government said. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and IT and Industries Minister D Sridhar Babu held meetings with senior executives from AWS at the ongoing World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, it added. "AWS will be expanding its data centres in Hyderabad in a big way with plans for fresh investment of around Rs 60,000 crores. With this AWS Region in Hyderabad will play an increasingly important role in supporting AWS's growth of cloud services in India, including AI in the future," a state government press release issued on Thursday stated. The AWS side was represented by Michael Punke, Vice President, Global Public Policy. The leaders discussed the Telangana government's supportive role in creating a welcoming environment for establishing data center infrastructure in the state, and the strategic importance of the state for AWS's operations in India, it said. A