Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis on Wednesday said his state has signed MOUs worth nearly Rs 16 lakh crore in Davos during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. The chief minister said these MOUs have been signed across various sectors and would help the state in achieving its goal of taking its GDP to USD 1 trillion. For India to become USD 5 trillion economy, Maharashtra has to become USD 1 trillion economy and we will achieve that target by 2030, Fadnavis told PTI in an interview here. Fadnavis said investors' confidence in policy continuity at Centre and in state as also their trust in Prime Minister Narendra Modi has led to this record level of investment commitments. He said the state government would track these MOUs to ensure their conversion into actual investments. Later, addressing a press conference along with other Indian leaders, he said it is important for all states to grow together for the country to grow further At the same conference, Telangana .