The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Wednesday released before and after satellite images of the tent city here giving an insight into the grandeur of the Maha Kumbh which is drawing crores of people from across the world to take a holy dip at the Sangam. Maha Kumbh, a mega-religious event organised every 12 years, is being held in Prayagraj from January 13 and will continue for 45 days till February 26. More than eight crore pilgrims have taken a holy dip at the Sangam so far. "Time series images (15 Sep 2023 & 29 Dec 2024) of EOS-04 (RISAT-1A) 'C' band microwave satellite, with its all-weather capability and fine resolution (FRS-1, 2.25m), provides unique insights on details of the Tent City (Layout of Structures and Roads) along with its network of pontoon bridges and supporting infrastructure, set up for the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025," ISRO said in a statement. The time series images captured by the satellites show the construction of Shivalay Park, the India-shaped ...