India's hiring activity rose 31 per cent in December, driven by consumer electronics, manufacturing, and construction and engineering sectors, a report said on Wednesday. According to foundit insights tracker (fit), the country's hiring activity rose 12 per cent over the past six months, with a 31 per cent year-on-year increase in recruitment in December. The fit is a comprehensive monthly report analysing online job posting activity conducted by The report further said the growth in hiring is reflected across sectors, led by consumer electronics, manufacturing, and construction and engineering leading the charge with 60 per cent, 57 per cent, and 57 per cent YoY, respectively. Meanwhile, AI jobs in India surged 42 per cent over the past two years reaching 2,53,000 positions. Top skills include Python, AI/ML, data science, deep learning, SQL and software development. Additionally, expertise in specialised AI frameworks such as TensorFlow (15 per cent) and PyTorch (16 p