NIIT Learning Systems on Wednesday reported a nearly 9 per cent increase in consolidated net profit at Rs 61.7 crore in the quarter ended December 31, 2024. It posted a net profit of Rs 56.7 crore in the year-ago period, according to a regulatory statement. Revenue from operations for the quarter under review came in at Rs 418.8 crore, up 7 per cent, from Rs 391.3 crore in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal. "In a tough economic environment, NIIT MTS' strong value proposition is resonating with clients and prospects, resulting in wallet share improvement and new client acquisition. Clients are starting to take advantage of NIIT MTS' innovative use of AI and technology in learning," said Vijay K Thadani, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, NIIT MTS. Seen sequentially, net profit and revenue saw a rise of 8.24 per cent and 5.38 per cent, respectively. The firm added two new global Managed Training Services (MTS) clients during the quarter, bringing its client tally to