Avaada Group on Wednesday said it has secured financial commitments worth Rs 8,500 crore from multiple lenders, including SBI and Yes Bank, for its nine projects. The financial closure for the 9 projects includes a mix of utility-scale independent power projects (IPPS), large-scale agri photovoltaic projects, merchant power generation projects, commercial and industrial projects and the group's green module manufacturing business. "Avaada Group has successfully completed financing/ refinancing of 9 of its projects across the business divisions totalling for an amount of Rs 8,500 crore (USD 1 billion), showcasing the company's commitment to advancing renewable energy solutions across India," the company said in a statement. These financing came through multiple transactions with a diverse set of lenders ranging from leading public sector banks like SBI and Union Bank, financial institutions like NABFID and PFC, and from sector Standard Chartered, Axis Bank, Yes Bank, Tata Capital, ..