The hearing in the defamation case against Congress MP Rahul Gandhi was adjourned again due to the continuing strike of lawyers. Plaintiff Vijay Mishra's counsel Santosh Kumar Pandey said the special MP-MLA judge Shubham Verma set January 30 as the next date of hearing to complete the cross-examination in the case. Mishra, a local BJP politician, filed a defamation complaint against Gandhi in 2018 in the court alleging that during the Karnataka elections, the Congress leader made an offensive remark about BJP leader Amit Shah which hurt his sentiments. The case was pending for five years, and when Gandhi failed to appear, the court issued a warrant in December, 2023, summoning him. While Gandhi surrendered in court in February, 2024, his statement was recorded on July 26, 2024. The special magistrate granted him bail on two sureties of Rs 25,000 each. During his appearance in court, Gandhi claimed innocence and said a political conspiracy was being plotted against him. The court