Investors' wealth on Tuesday eroded by Rs 7.52 lakh crore as markets took a heavy beating, with the BSE Sensex tumbling over 1,235 points.
The market capitalisation of BSE-listed companies declined by Rs 7,52,520.34 crore to Rs 4,24,07,205.81 crore or USD 4.90 trillion. The market breadth was negative as out of 4,088 shares traded on BSE, 2,881 stocks declined, 1,106 advanced and 101 stocks closed unchanged.
The 30-share BSE Sensex plummeted 1,235.08 points or 1.60 per cent to settle at 75,838.36. The benchmark plummeted 1,431.57 points or 1.85 per cent to hit an intraday low of 75,641.87. During the day, it hit a high of 77,337.36 on the bourse.
"Despite starting strong, the domestic markets ended the day negatively. Nervousness driven by Trump's uncertain tariff plan, a selloff triggered by foreign institutions, and disappointing Q3 earnings weighed on the market," Ameya Ranadive Chartered Market Technician, CFTe, Sr Technical Analyst, StoxBox, said.
Among Sensex shares, Zomato f