Gautam Adani, Chairman of the Adani Group, visited the Maha Kumbh on Tuesday along with his wife Preeti Adani and said that his group is committed to increasing investment in Uttar Pradesh. "There are immense opportunities in Uttar Pradesh, and the state government is working in the right direction for development. The Adani Group will continue to contribute to this progress. We are committed to making further investments in Uttar Pradesh," he told the media. About his experience at the Maha Kumbh, he said, "I would like to thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on behalf of the citizens of the country, for the grandeur and the arrangements here." He further added, "Millions of people come to this fair, and the cleanliness and other arrangements here are a subject of study for management institutes and corporate houses. It has been an amazing experience to be here." An official from the company informed that Gautam Adani along with his wife and Adani