The government has disbursed Rs 1,596 crore under Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes for six sectors, including electronics and pharma, during the April-September this fiscal, an official said. The government in 2021 announced PLI schemes for 14 sectors such as telecommunication, white goods, textiles, manufacturing of medical devices, automobiles, speciality steel, food products, high-efficiency solar PV modules, advanced chemistry cell battery, drones, and pharma with an outlay of Rs 1.97 lakh crore. Out of the total Rs 1,596 crore, the maximum amount of Rs 964 crore was disbursed under the PLI scheme for large-scale electronics manufacturing. It was followed by pharma (Rs 604 crore), food products (Rs 11 crore), telecom (Rs 9 crore), bulk drugs (Rs 6 crore) and drones (Rs 2 crore). Incentives disbursed till 2023-24 stood at Rs 9,721 crore, the official said adding the scheme is having a cascading effect on the country's MSME ecosystem. The anchor units that will be built