Union minister JP Nadda said on Saturday that the distribution of Svamitva property cards and other initiatives underscore the Narendra Modi government's resolve to empower the people. He said 3.17 lakh villages were covered with the help of technology under the Svamitva Scheme, and 1.53 lakh farmers will be given property rights today. Nadda virtually attended the distribution of Svamitva cards by Prime Minister Narendra Modi from Ahmedabad with Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and Governor Acharya Devvrat. "Under Prime Minister Modi's leadership, the empowerment of the common man has been given great importance. The Modi government always prioritised people and ensured how we should work to empower the common man," Nadda said while addressing a state-level programme. PM Modi distributed around 65 lakh Svamitva property cards, which he said would bolster economic activities and alleviate poverty. These property cards are being distributed to beneficiaries across more than 50,000 ..