The Competition Commission has imposed a penalty of Rs 40 lakh on the investment manager of Goldman Sachs AIF for failing to notify the regulator about the more than four-year-old deal that gives the option to buy up to 3.81 per cent stake in Biocon Biologics. The penalty was levied on Goldman Sachs (India) Alternative Investment Management Pvt Ltd (GS AIMPL), the investment manager of Goldman Sachs AIF, for a contravention of Section 6(2) of the Competition Act, which mandates prior approval for certain combinations. Under the deal, Goldman Sachs AIF Scheme-1 (GS AIF) had acquired optionally convertible debentures (OCDs) issued by Biocon Biologics. The regulator has penalised GS AIMPL for failing to notify the transaction to it and rejected the argument that the deal was done in the ordinary course of business. "Any transaction which is made with the intent of remaining invested for a relatively longer period and involves the acquisition of any additional rights (compared to the .