The Janata Dal (United) on Thursday asked its ally BJP to act against Shehzad Poonawalla, a national spokesperson of the ruling party, for his comments targeting an AAP leader which, the regional party said, has caused deep displeasure among people from Purvanchal.
In a statement, JD(U) spokesperson Rajiv Ranjan Prasad said, "Poonawalla has made a mistake. His comments have caused deep displeasure among people from Purvanchal. The JD(U) seeks action from the BJP's leadership against Poonawalla for his comments."
In a heated discussion during a news channel debate on Wednesday, Poonawalla had played on AAP MLA Rituraj Jha's surname to take a jibe at him, a remark slammed as abusive by Delhi's ruling party.
His swipe had come after Jha played with the BJP spokesperson's surname to take a dig at him.
The BJP leader has insisted that he never abused anyone and accused the AAP of spreading "lies" and his character assassination.
BJP's Purvanchali face and North East Delhi MP Manoj Tiwa