The death toll due to a mysterious disease in a remote village of the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir has risen to 14 with two more members of a family including a six-year-old girl succumbing to it, officials said on Tuesday. The 14 fatalities including 11 children and three elders in three families in the last 30 days have caused panic among the residents of Badhaal village of Koteranka Sub-division. The government has deployed various health teams to collect samples to identify and address the potential health risks, the officials said. They said Safina Kousar breathed her last at a hospital in Jammu where her three other siblings died over the past two days and two others are still battling for their lives. The grandfather of the children Mohd Rafiq also died in a hospital in Rajouri on Monday, the officials said. Nine people belonging to two families died in the village last month. Initially the deaths were attributed to suspected food poisoning. However, the situation .