Congress candidate Alka Lamba on Tuesday filed her nomination from Kalkaji constituency for the upcoming Delhi polls, declaring a net worth of Rs 3.41 crore. She has a flat in Gurugram, a commercial property with current market value of Rs 80 lakh and one residential flat in south Delhi with current market value of Rs 2 crore, Lamba's affidavit stated. Lamba has a movable asset of Rs 61.12 lakh. Her financial assets have grown by Rs 20.12 lakh since the last assembly elections which she fought from Chandni Chowk in 2020. Her income for the financial year 2024-25 was Rs 8.28 lakh, while it was Rs 8.91 lakh in 2023-24, and 5.35 in 2022-23, the affidavit mentioned. Before filing the nomination, Lamba inaugurated her election office in Kalkaji assembly constituency. Former MLA and senior Congress leader Subhash Chopra was also present at the event. "I have filed my nomination on Tuesday. It is the battle of people of Delhi. We will fight for the citizens of the national capital. Arvin