Rose petals were showered on devotees during their 'Amrit Snan' at the Maha Kumbh on Makar Sankranti, draping the ghats and akharas at the Sangam bank with flowers. As the rose petals rained down on the devotees, they responded with chants of Jai Shri Ram and Har Har Mahadev. The Uttar Pradesh government said in a statement, "The Horticulture Department, following the directives of the Yogi Adityanath government, had been meticulously preparing for the flower showers at the Maha Kumbh Mela for weeks. Special arrangements were made to procure and store rose petals to ensure an uninterrupted shower during the bathing festivals." "Preparations have been made for flower showers on all major 'snan parv' (bathing rituals) of Maha Kumbh, with plans to use around 20 quintals of rose petals for each occasion," it added. Rose petals were showered on the devotees on Monday, too, during the first bathing festival 'Paush Purnima Snan'. The Horticulture Department ensured sufficient stock for t