The district election officer (DEO) of New Delhi constituency has forwarded various complaints of violations of model code of conduct, filed by AAP and its convener Arvind Kejriwal against BJP candidate Parvesh Verma, to the police for investigation. The complaints filed by AAP's legal cell and Kejriwal alleged setting up of job camps under "Har Ghar Naukari" campaign for registrations, and distribution of Rs 1100 by BJP and Verma, officials said. The election officers in separate reports said that flying squads formed to check model code of conduct violations did not find any camps or pamphlets as alleged by the AAP. The New Delhi district election officer in an action taken report submitted to Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Delhi, has said that police authorities were asked to investigate the facts of the allegations of job camps and distribution of Rs 1100 and take action as per Representation of Peoples Act. It also said that instructions were issued to take preventive steps