Union Minister for Communications Jyotiraditya Scindia on Saturday said a Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) will be opened in each of the country's 543 parliamentary constituencies. Scindia made the announcement while inaugurating a Passport Seva Kendra in Madhya Pradesh's Guna, the parliamentary constituency he represents. The Union minister also said that six new passport centres will be opened in MP this year. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to establish a Passport Seva Kendra in each parliamentary constituency with the aim of expanding services. The Department of Posts, in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs, is committed to making this resolution a reality, he said. The minister also informed that 6,000 post offices have been opened across the country. We should try to revive the tradition of writing letters by hand in the country because it expresses the true feelings of the heart, he said. The minister said that several technological changes have taken pl