Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar said on Saturday that extensions in service, extensions in any form for a particular post are set back to those who are in line. Dhankhar was delivering the inaugural address at the 25th National Conference of Chairpersons of State Public Service Commission being held in Bengaluru. According to him, extension of service indicates that some individuals are indispensable. "Indispensability is a myth. Talent abounds in this country. No one is indispensable. And therefore, it lies in the domain of public service commissions at the state and the central level that when they have a role in such kinds of situations, they must be firm," added the VP. He also said public service commissions' appointments cannot be driven by patronage, or by favouritism. "We cannot have a public service commission Chairman or a member, wedded to a particular ideology or an individual. That will be undoing the essence and spirit of the framework of the constitution," said ...