The Karnataka police have seized arms and ammunition from a forest area near here, suspectedly left by Maoists, who surrendered recently, a police officer said on Saturday. Speaking to reporters, Chikkamagaluru Superintendent of Police (SP) Vikram Amathe however maintained that whether the arms and ammunition were left by surrendered Maoists, is a matter of investigation. A group of six Maoists surrendered to the government in the presence of Chief Minister Siddaramaiah at his home office 'Krishna' in Bengaluru on Wednesday evening. The Surrendered Maoists include Mundagaru Latha from Sringeri, Vanajakshi Balehole from Kalasa, Sundari Kutluru from Dakshina Kannada, Mareppa Aroli from Raichur in Karnataka. The other two are Vasanth K from Vellore in Tamil Nadu, and N Jeesha from Wayanad in Kerala. "Late last night a case was registered at Jayapura police station under section 3,7,25(1B) and 25(1A) of the Arms Act of 1959. Based on the information received by the Police Sub-Inspector