The BJP on Saturday launched a song and poster on "Sheesh Mahal", sharpening its attack on AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal on the issue of corruption, ahead of Assembly polls on February 5. The song "Sheesh Mahal Aapda Failane Walon Ka Adda" and a poster titled "Aapda-e-Azam" were released during a press conference of Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva. "The person who came to power for a change and to take care of Delhi modified his own character and behaviour. Delhi people are looking for development while Kejriwal is abusing them for asking questions," Sachdeva said. He said that the released song narrates the story of Kejriwal's "corruption" and the "Sheesh Mahal" readied with taxpayers' money. "Sheesh Mahal" is a political moniker used by the BJP for 6, Flagstaff Road bungalow occupied earlier by Kejriwal as Delhi chief minister to accuse him of "corruption". The AAP has hit back at the BJP citing expenditure on the residence and plane used by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. A