Prashant Kishor's Jan Suraaj Party on Friday clarified that it was providing "pro bono legal assistance" to students who have moved the Patna High Court alleging malpractices in a recent Bihar Public Service Commission exam. Talking to reporters, the party's vice president Y V Giri, who is a senior advocate, also rued that Kishor's fast unto death has "entered its ninth day", hoping that students and the Nitish Kumar government would convince the 47 years old to start taking food. "A strong and healthy Prashant Kishor is required for the future of Bihar. His innovative ideas for pulling Bihar out of chronic backwardness inspired people like me, with no interest in politics, to join Jan Suraaj", Giri said. He added, "Now that the matter has reached the court, some type of relief is likely. The court has agreed to hear the matter on January 15, which is the next working day. I would now urge students, whose cause Prashant Kishor has taken up, to put pressure on him to call off the fas