Markets regulator Sebi on Friday came out with a procedure for seeking a waiver or reduction of interest concerning recovery proceedings initiated by it for failure to pay penalty.
Under this, Sebi said the applicant's requests for waiver/reduction is required to be submitted to the relevant recovery officer, with documentation supporting the fulfilment of three criteria from Section 220(2A) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Section 220(2A) allows the waiver or reduction of this interest under specific conditions.
The criteria include payment of such an amount causing genuine hardship to the applicant; default was due to circumstances beyond the applicant's control and the applicant has cooperated in any related inquiry.
In its circular, Sebi said applications are allowed only if the notice of demand has already been served and the principal amount due is fully paid.
The Sebi's recovery officer will forward the application to the competent authority, which will take a decision within 1