Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, on Friday, laid the foundation stone for a new assembly line to produce laptops at the Tamil Nadu facility of electronic systems design and manufacturing company Syrma SGS Technology Ltd.
To assemble laptops at its state-of-the-art Chennai facility, Syrma SGS Technology Ltd has partnered with MSI, a global leader in AI-powered personal computers.
The Union Minister of Electronics and Information Technology laid the foundation stone for establishing a new assembly line to produce laptops, marking a significant milestone in the 'Make in India' initiative. Syrma SGS is collaborating with MSI to produce laptops for the Indian market, according to a press release.
During his brief interaction with company officials, Vaishnaw applauded Syrma SGS's efforts in driving the electronics manufacturing ecosystem forward and highlighted the pivotal role of such initiatives in building a self-reliant India.
Syrma SGS Technology Ltd will leverage its high-quality,